We have a meeting on a Wednesday, 8-9.30, in someone’s’ home. We refer to this as “Housegroup”. The evening is spent in Bible Study, discussion, and prayer
On the first Wednesday of the month, we have a Prayer and Fasting Day, which is followed by a Prayer Time together in the evening.
On the second Sunday of every month, after the interactive family service, we have a “bring and share” Fellowship Lunch, followed by a walk in the lovely countryside around us. Walks or other outings are also organised at other times.
Coffee Meetings
There are frequent coffee meet-ups for friendship, chat and support. Phone or message Margaret Matthews for details. 07786668842.
Social Events
Throughout the year we host a range of get-togethers. These are advertised on our Facebook.
Some of our regular events are film evenings; games evenings; barbeques; treasure hunts; …and generally eating together!